It’s Now or Never.

It’s Now or Never.

It’s safe to say that the global pandemic that started in 2020, has upended the hopes, dreams and plans of numerous would-be entrepreneurs, forcing many to go back to the sidelines and wait for better days and clearer skies. For us at Status Ventures, it has served as a call to action, a sign to jump into game and bet on ourselves. 

And much like other businesses, we’ve had to pivot, alter plans and learn to navigate the ‘new normal.’ Thanks in part to Zoom calls and late nights filled with jugs of sweet tea and fruit snacks, we’ve been able to successfully lay groundwork for a few deals and forge a few partnerships. Admittedly, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, but the way we see it, now’s the time to either get to work or get left behind. And as far as I’m concerned, we ain’t getting left behind.

Stay Tuned.